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Capt'n Greenfin

Greenfin Leadfree Dropshot

Greenfin Leadfree Dropshot

Regular price CHF 2.70
Regular price Sale price CHF 2.70
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Our innovative Greenfin alloy is harder than lead , which means you can feel the contact with the bottom better and perfect your bait handling. Perfect for many finesse rigs!

Why Greenfin?

Maximum sensitivity – Feel every contact with the ground thanks to the hard alloy
Perfect for dropshot, kickback & free rig – versatile
Lead-free & environmentally friendly – in case you lose weight
Available in 10g, 20g & 30g – The right weight for every situation

product safety

manufacturer information

Manufacturer: Capt'n Greenfin AG

Manufacturer's address: Spitalgasse 28 3011 Bern, Switzerland

Contact information:


Responsible legal entity

Name: Capt'n Greenfin AG


safety information

English (DE): Warning: Sharp hooks. For fishing purposes only. Use with care. Keep away from children.

English (EN): Caution: Sharp hooks. Only suitable for fishing purposes. Use with caution. Keep out of reach of children.

French (FR): Attention : Crochets tranchants. Uniqueness for the pêche. À utiliser with precaution. Tenir hors de portée des enfants.

Spanish (ES): Atención: anelos afilados. Solo apto para fines de pesca. Usar with precaution. Mantener for the alcance of the children.

Italian (IT): Attenzione: ami affilati. Solo per scopi di pesca. Usare con cautela. Tenere forori dalla portata dei bambini.

Portuguese (PT): Atenção: ganchos afiados. Apenas para fins de pesca. Usar com cautela. Manter fora do alcance the children.

Dutch (NL): Let op: scherpe hook. Alleen sent voor visserijdoeleinden. Use carefully. Buiten the area of children's housing.

Danish (DA): Advarsel: Skarpe kroge. Kun til fisheri. Brug med forsigtighed. Opbevares utilgængeligt for børn.

Swedish (SV): Varning: Vassa krokar. Endast för fiskeändamål. Använd med försiktighet. Förvaras utom räckhåll for barn.

Finnish (FI): Varoitus: Terävät koukut. Vain kalastustarkoituksiin. Käytä varoen. Säilytettävä lasten ulottumattomissa.

Greek (EL): Προσοχή: Αιχμηρά αγκίστρια. Μόνο για σκοπούς αλιείας. Χρησιμοποιήστε με προσοχή. Να φυλάσσεται μακριά από παιδιά.

Czech (CS): Upozornění: Ostré háčky. Pouze per rybolov. Používejte opatrně. Uchovávejte mimo dosah dětí.

Hungarian (HU): Figyelem: Éles horgok. Csak horgászati célokra alkalmas. Használja óvatosan. Gyermekektől elzárva tartandó.

Polish (PL): Uwaga: Ostrożne haki. Tylko do celów wędkarskich. Używać ostrożnie. Przechowywać poza zasięgiem dzieci.

Slovak (SK): Upozornenie: Ostré háčiky. Iba na rybolov. Používajte opatrne. Uchovávajte mimo dosahu detí.

Slovenian (SL): Opozorilo: Ostri trnki. Samo za ribiške names. Uporabite previdno. Hranite izven dosega otrok.

Bulgarian (BG): Внимание: Остри куки. Same for the ribs. Използвайте внимателно. This happened to the death.

Romanian (RO): Atenție: Cârlige ascuțite. Doar pentru pescuit. Se utilizează cu precauție. A se pastra departe de copii.

Lithuanian (LT): Dėmesio: Aštrūs kabliukai. Tik žvejybos tikslams. Naudoti atsargiai. Laikyti vaikams nepasiekiamoje vietoje.

Latvian (LV): Uzmanību: Asie āķi. Tik makšķerēšanai. Izmantojiet uzmanīgi. Uzglabāt bērniem nepieejamā vietā.

Estonian (ET): Hoiatus: Teravad konksud. Ainult kalapüügiks. Kasutada ettevaatlikult. Hoida laste käeulatusest eemal.

Maltese (MT): Twissija: Imqabad imsikkta. Għall-użu tas-sajd biss. Uża b'attenzjoni. Żomm 'il bogħod with-tfal.

Croatian (HR): Pozor: Oštre udice. Samo za ribolov. Koristiti s oprezom. Držati izvan dosega djece.

Irish (GA): Rabhadh: Crúcaí géara. Ní hamháin chun críocha iascaireachta. Úsáid go cúramach. Coinnigh as rochtain na bpáistí.

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