Capt'n Greenfin
Greenfin Honeyworm Garlic
Greenfin Honeyworm Garlic
- Contents: 15 pieces
- Free delivery from 50€ / CHF
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- Eco friendly
- Protein like real maggots
- Made in Germany
Trout are looking for real protein - you can give it to them!
Our artificial bee maggots are ideal for trout fishing. The bee maggot is protein-based and the taste in the greenfin material means it has a high scent range to make it easier to reach the trout. The softbaits have a naturally curved shape for the right run and a great action.
- Perceptible flavour: Greenfin material releases an intense flavour underwater.
- Provokes bites: Concentrate of hand-pressed garlic for maximum attraction.
- Environmentally friendly: 100% biodegradable, plastic-free and non-toxic – good for fish and nature!
Support clean fishing and catch your predatory fish without plastic & toxic substances in the water! #cleanfishing
Product details
Product details
- Length: 3cm (1.2")
- Contents: 15 pieces
- Mounting recommendation: Passive offer on the pose
- Production: Germany & Switzerlan
Notes on Greenfin material
Notes on Greenfin material
- Heat sensitive: Protect from heat and store in packaging.
- Reusability: Due to degradability, only limited reusability.
- Duration of application: Depending on bite frequency and water temperature, 30-60 minutes in summer, 1-2 hours in winter.
You can find more information about the application in our free tutorial
product safety (GPSR)
product safety (GPSR)
manufacturer information
Manufacturer: Capt'n Greenfin AG
Manufacturer's address: Spitalgasse 28 3011 Bern, Switzerland
Contact information:
Responsible legal entity
Name: Capt'n Greenfin AG
safety information
Deutsch (DE): Nur als Angelköder oder zu deren Herstellung geeignet. Nicht für den menschlichen Verzehr oder die Fütterung von Wiederkäuern, Nutztieren und Haustieren bestimmt. Von Kindern fernhalten.
English (EN): Only suitable as fishing bait or for its production. Not intended for human consumption or for feeding ruminants, livestock, or pets. Keep out of reach of children.
French (FR):Unique destiné à être utilisé as appât de pêche ou pour sa fabrication. Non destiné à la consumption humane ni à l'alimentation des ruminants, du bétail ou des animaux de company. Tenir hors de portée des enfants.
Spanish (ES): Solo apto como cebo de pesca or para su fabricación. No apto para el consumo humano ni para la limentación de rumiantes, ganado or mascotas. Mantener for the alcance of the children.
Italian (IT): Solo adatto come esca da pesca or per la sua production. Non-destinato al consumption umano né all'alimentazione di ruminanti, animali da allevamento or domestic animals. Tenere forori dalla portata dei bambini.
Dutch (NL): Alleen sent as visaas of voor de productie ervan. Never be oiled for men's consumption of as well as for their owners, and for housing. Good area for children's housing.
Polish (PL): Wyłącznie do stosowania jako przynęta wędkarska lub do jej produkcji. Never przeznaczone do spożycia przez ludzi ani do karmienia przeżuwaczy, zwierząt gospodarskich lub domowych. Przechowywać w miejscu niedostępnym dla dzieci.
Portuguese (PT): Apenas adequado como isco de pesca ou para a sua produção. Não destinado ao consumption humano no à alimentação de ruminantes, animais de criação or animais de estimação. Manter fora do alcance the children.
Romanian (RO): Potrivit doar ca momeală pentru pescuit sau pentru producerea acesteia. Now this destinat consumului uman sau hrănirii rumegătoarelor, animalelor de fermă sau de company. A nu se lăsa la îndemâna copiilor.
Czech (CS): Pouze per použití jako rybářská návnada nebo k její výrobě. There is nothing to be desired in the lidské spotřebě ani ke krmení přežvýkavců, hospodářských nebo domácích zvířat. Uchovávejte mimo dosah dětí.
Hungarian (HU): Csak horgászcsaliként vagy annak előállítására alkalmas. Nem alkalmas emberi fogyasztásra, illetve kérődzők, haszonállatok vagy háziállatok etetésére. Gyermekektől elzárva tartandó.
Slovak (SK): Iba na použitie ako rybárska návnada alebo na jej výrobu. Never ever určené na ľudskú spotrebu ani na kŕmenie prežúvavcov, hospodárskych zvierat alebo domácich zvierat. Uchovávajte mimo dosahu detí.
Slovenian (SL): Samo za uporabo kot ribiška vaba ali za njeno proizvodnjo. In the name of the pre-war children, the pre-existing people have their names. Hraniti izven dosega otrok.
Danish (DA): Kun egnet som fiskegrej eller til production heraf. It rains on the men's water or on the rain, the water or the water. Opbevares utilgængeligt for børn.
Swedish (SV): Endast avsett som fiskbete eller för dess production. Inte avsett for mänsklig consumption or for utfodring av idisslare, boskap eller husdjur. Förvaras utom räckhåll for barn.
Finnish (FI): Vain kalastussyöttinä tai niiden valmistukseen soveltuva. Ei tarkoitettu himisravinnoksi eikä märehtijöiden, tuotantoeläinten tai lemmikkien ruokintaan. Säilytettävä lasten ulottumattomissa.
Greek (EL): Κατάλληλο μόνο ως δόλωμα ψαρέματος ή για την παραγωγή του. Δεν προορίζεται για ανθρώπινη κατανάλωση ή για τη διατροφή μηρυκαστικών, εκτρεφόμενων ζώων ή κατοικίδιων. Να φυλάσσεται μακριά από παιδιά.
Lithuanian (LT): Tik tinkamas naudoti kaip žvejų masalas arba jo gamybai. Neskirtas žmonių maistui atrajotojų, ūkio gyvūnų ar naminių gyvūnų šėrimui. Laikyti vaikams nepasiekiamoje vietoje.
Latvian (LV): Piemērots tikai kā makšķerēšanas ēsma vai tās ražošanai. Nav paredzēts cilvēku uzturam vai atgremotāju, mājlopu vai mājdzīvnieku barošanai. Uzglabāt bērniem nepieejamā vietā.
Estonian (ET): Ainult sobilik kasutada kalapüügiks või selle valmistamiseks. All of the furniture is in the same way as it is small, and you can also use it to make it easier. Hoida lastele kättesaamatus kohas.
Maltese (MT): Adatt biss bħala lixka tas-sajd jew għall-produzzjoni tagħha. Mhux maħsub għall-consuming tal-bniedem jew għat-tmigħ tal-annimali li jiruminaw, tal-bhejjem jew tal-annimali domestic. Żomm 'il bogħod with-tfal.
Croatian (HR): Prikladno samo kao mamac za ribolov ili za njegovu proizvodnju. If you don't know what you're going to do, you'll be able to see what's going on. Čuvati izvan dohvata djece.
Bulgarian (BG): Подходящ само за употреба като риболовна стръв или за производството ѝ. There is no danger of consumption from the hour or from the storage area of the animal, Natural animals or domestic lovers. Save the meat, without delay.
Irish (GA): Ní oiriúnach ach mar bhaoite iascaireachta nó lena tháirgeadh. Ní ceaptha lena chaitheamh ag daoine ná le haghaidh beathú ruminant, beostoic nó peataí. Coinnigh as teaches leanaí.